Hi there, Fatemeh, and welcome to planDisney! I'm sincerely glad you've stopped by with this great question today. My Panelist pals and I are here and always happy to help fellow guests like you! Your Walt Disney World Resort vacation will be here before you know it!
Fatemeh, you'll be so happy to know that Walt Disney World Resort goes above and beyond to accommodate Guests with dietary restrictions during their vacations. When you arrive at
Garden Grill Restaurant, you'll inform your server that you'd prefer a meal that includes meat and that your husband would prefer a vegetarian meal. You'll be served accordingly, and you can eat as much as your heart desires! My dear friend and fellow Panelist,
Lizzie, is a self-proclaimed "chicken finger kind of girl," and she recently had a thrilling experience at Garden Grill Restaurant when meeting Chip n' Dale! She, however, did not find chicken fingers on the menu. You can always ask your server for alternative options or modifications.
Be sure to visit the
Living with the Land attraction downstairs to learn more about the food and growing techniques that are used at Walt Disney World Resort. It's exciting to think that you might just be eating food that was grown onsite! If you'd like to learn even more about the future of agriculture, check out the
Behind the Seeds tour that takes place backstage!
Fatemeh, if you have any other questions about how to manage dietary restrictions during your vacation, please visit
this helpful website. If you'd like recommendations on where to find amazing snacks and meals during your visit, you have a friend in me! Come back to planDisney anytime!
See you real soon!