Hello there, Michael! Welcome to planDisney where helping other Guests get their planning questions answered is what we do.
There's a lot of excitement about the recent announcement that Magic Key sales will resume this week! I'm thrilled to hear you are hoping to become a Magic Key holder yourself. Disneyland has released a
Magic Key How To Guide to try to help everyone get ready before the queue opens. You will be able to use one Disney Gift Card during the checkout process for Magic Key sales. If you have more than one Disney Gift Card you are hoping to use the recommendation is to try to combine them, up to a $1,000 limit, on the
Disney Gift Card website ahead of time.
Once your pass has been added to your account, you will be able to start planning your first visit and making your first theme park ticket reservations! As a Magic Key holder, you'll also be able to enjoy other added perks like dining at the
Magic Key Terrace in California Adventure.
Michael, I hope your wait time in the queue is low and your year is full of magic! See you real soon!