Man in Star Wars Race (Asian)
  • On Jan 16, 2024
    Glenn from SC Asked Please note that experiences, policies, pricing and other offerings are subject to change and may have changed since the date of this answer.

    I want to become a runDisney member. When and where can I register for the 2024-2025 year?

    Hi Glenn,

    Welcome to planDisney

    It sounds like you have some big goals for 2024-2025. I'm already cheering for you! 

    While our friends at runDisney have not yet announced the registration date for Club runDisney for the 2024-25 season, they have announced that they will let us know in "Early 2024." Registration for the 2023-24 season went live in late May 2023, so I would keep my eye on the runDisney website, social media channels, and the Disney Parks Blog for the big announcement in late April or early May. I'll be watching with you!

    On the appointed day and at the appropriate hour, simply head to the Club runDisney website and a Register Now button should appear. Click that and begin the process to take your runDisney experience to the next level!

    Please keep in mind, Glenn, that availability in each tier is limited. While you are training for your next runDisney Personal Record, I want you to be thinking about your Registration Personal Record! Be ready a few minutes before registration actually opens and become best friends with the Refresh button on your computer! Hopefully, this will make you one of the first people to see the button appear and complete the registration process. 

    Wishing you luck, Glenn! 

    With many magical memories,


thumbnail image for Sally

Meet the Panelist: Sally, Georgia

"To all who come to this happy place, welcome." I am the lucky wife to my brave Prince, a homeschool mom to two bold and brilliant daughters, and a wine educator. Joining the Disney Vacation Club meant that our family could travel to a "World of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy" as often as we could sneak away, so we do! I'm so glad you have joined us and would be thrilled to sprinkle a little Pixie Dust on your next unforgettable vacation! Learn More About Sally

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