Family With Medals; RunDisney 10K; Stitch Hat; Lilo and Stitch Costume
  • On Apr 10, 2013
    David Asked Note: This answer was provided prior to the change to planDisney and may still contain references to Disney Parks Moms Panel.

    Experiences, policies, pricing and other offerings are subject to change and may have changed since the date of this answer.

    My wife and I are bring our soon to be 2 year old to Disney in October. Now he is very squirmish, which is fine, but what are some good tips to bring on an airplane ? Would an IPAd Work fine?


    For us the iPad has become the saving grace on air travel!

    Our kids (now 5 and 7) have become iPad experts. We have a few of their favorite Disney channel shows recorded onto the device, and we also have some age-appropriate games.

    Just remember to stick to entertainment that does not require internet access. Even if your plane has it, the broadband often is too slow (and costly) to support video feeds.

    Also, I strongly recommend that you get some age appropriate headphones. Ear buds can cause hearing damage in kid's little developing ears, and over the head sets often are too large to fit properly. We love our Kidz Ears brand headsets.

    Finally, do bring at least one book, since electronics can't be on during take offs and landings.

    Write me back if you have any more questions!

    Have a magical vacation!
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Meet the Panelist: Doug, Indiana

I am one of the Dads on the planDisney Panel, and I love to help parents plan their vacation, with a focus on showing them how it can be fun for them too. I am also here to help Dads plan some nice surprises for the Moms in their life (they deserve it!). Learn More About Doug

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