Heigh-Ho Cristina,
Welcome to planDisney, we are here to help and guide you through your Walt Disney World vacation planning. 2021 is an exciting year of new beginnings, returns and celebrations for Walt Disney World. And while returning to the
Most Magical Place on Earth may look a little different, magical and memorable moments are sure to be had by all.
Now let’s discuss this curiouser and curiouser conundrum. Typically, the email you received, from your Travel Agent, will provide you with a Will Call Confirmation number. Guests, after making a
My Disney Experience profile and forming their
Family & Friend List, can then link their tickets to their profile and assign them to their travel party. Because you are having difficulties I highly recommend contacting your Travel Agent, who can then confirm the number provided. Your Travel Agent should be able to contact Walt Disney World to resolve the issue and, also ask them to link the tickets to your My Disney Experience profile. They have a more detailed paper trail and can better accommodate you and set you on the right path.
Once your tickets are linked you are set to make your
Disney Park Pass reservations. This is required for all Guests to enter a Walt Disney World park. Those with a Walt Disney World base ticket can enter one park per day with a Disney Park Pass reservation. Guest with a Walt Disney World Park Hopper will make a Disney Park Pass reservation for the first park they plan on entering for the day and MUST enter the park before park hopping. Park hopping hours begin at 2:00 p.m. and last until closing time. At the moment, Guests do not need to make Disney Park Pass reservations for park hopping parks. Entrance into the park hopping parks is at the discretion of Walt Disney World in maintaining a healthy and safe environment for all Guests and Cast Members. Guests can check their My Disney Experience mobile app or call (407) 560-5000 for park availability before park hopping.
As your arrival comes closer follow the
Disney Parks Blog for further updates and follow us on Instagram
@plandisneypanel for more magical fun.
Have a Practically Perfect Day,
Amy M.