For 'rookies' you definitely made an expert reservation at the Villas at Wilderness Lodge! We stayed there on our last family vacation and had a fabulous time. The Wilderness Lodge is one of my favorite Disney Resorts and I'm sure you will love staying there.
Have you checked out the
parks calendar pages yet? This is where I start when I plan our trips. You can view park open/close times, parade and show times, and
Extra Magic Hours (EMH) for each of the parks. We like to take advantage of EMH so I plan out our days according to that schedule. If I know that we will be in the Magic Kingdom for an early open, I might plan a later breakfast so we're eating after the EMH have ended. Or knowing that Animal Kingdom is open 3 hours later one night might tell me we need to make a reservation for Yak & Yeti rather than in our resort.
Because you are visiting in a busy time, I would also suggest you consider purchasing the planning services of something like TourGuideMiKE. This could really help you plan your days and schedules to avoid as many waits as possible, and really maximize your time in the Happiest Place on Earth. If you're anything like me, you're bound to be happier if you're nt stuck in a line! You can find more information about this at www.tourguidemike.com. This is not an official Disney company, but it is a very good service that I feel could be of great assistance to you.
My last piece of advice would be to act soon. Your dining reservations should be made ASAP so that you can book the meals you really want to enjoy, and not just whatever is still available.
Thank you for your question, and enjoy your vacation!