Hi Sarah, and welcome back! I believe you must have just returned from your sailing with Disney Cruise Line, if I remember your past questions correctly! I hope it was a magical trip for the whole family!
Disney Cruise Line's photography options are really only available while guests are onboard. It differs from the PhotoPass system at Walt Disney World, in that unlike theirs, where guests can view photos online after returning home, the Disney Cruise Line photos are only available for viewing and purchase while onboard.
However, there is a bit of hope since I think you just returned. Check out the website for
My Cruise Photos, which partners with Disney Cruise Line. Once you're on their homepage, there's an area where you can request access to previous cruise photos. Unfortunately, the site is down for temporary maintenance as I write this, otherwise I'd be able to walk you step by step through the links to get to that exact page where you can email the group regarding the possibility of purchasing photos from a previous cruise. Sometimes the photos are saved for a few weeks after the sailing, but it is not guaranteed, which is why guests are told to purchase onboard only. But, some guests have had success with purchasing or locating the photos a week or so after the cruise, so there is some hope! Check that site which will hopefully be back up soon and contact the folks there. Good luck finding the photos you'd like, Sarah!