Hi Shane!
I am a super planner by nature, and maybe it’s a little crazy, but I actually get excited about that 180 day mark where I make my Advance Dining Reservations! Our family tends to enjoy popular locations such as ‘Ohana and Be Our Guest, so I totally understand how that ten day booking window is essential!
Good news for you, Shane! When it comes to making Advance Dining Reservations (ADR’s), a split stay shouldn’t have an effect on your plans. You will be able to make reservations beginning 180 days from your first check-in day, and reserve up to 10 days worth of dining. It doesn’t matter if you have one reservation or two booked, you can still make the maximum of 10 days worth of plans.
As a Disney Vacation Club Member, I want to give you a heads up on using the online system. Sometimes, when trying to make ADR's online as soon as possible at 6 a.m. Eastern, the DVC reservation numbers don’t always cooperate. For our vacations I have to call when the phone lines open at 7 a.m. The good news is that I haven’t had too much difficulty getting my desired reservations. If you will be trying to book Be Our Guest or Cinderella’s Royal Table, schedule them as late in the trip as possible to increase the odds that a table will be available, as these are the two most popular dining locations.
If you would prefer to stay at one resort during your stay, I do recommend trying to wait list with Disney Vacation Club. On several occasions I have had success with the wait list. I hope this info helps to relieve any frustration you were feeling, and I’m sending you some extra pixie dust for dining success as you make your Advance Dining Reservations next week!
Wishing you Membership Magic!
- Kate