Hi, Stacy thanks for stopping by planDisney with your planning questions. We are surely happy to help and find you a place to relax poolside at your resort of choice.
Sometimes refurbishments happen during our stays and we aren't able to see what new improvements are in store until our next visit.
The Cabins at Fort Wilderness are no different and the Meadow Swimmin' Pool will indeed be unavailable for guests to enjoy through April 2023. The Wilderness Swimmin' Pool will be open for guests to enjoy during their stay.
There are so many other cool things to do at that resort it is impossible to fit them in.
The Tri-Circle D Ranch is a must-do if you or anyone in your party likes horses. Pony, trail, and wagon rides are available here. Trail rides can be made online, but pony rides are only available on a walk-in basis only (pending availability) at Pioneer Hall.
You are going to love Fort Wilderness and if you have any other questions regarding your resort or the
Walt Disney World theme parks drop us a line. I hope you find this information helpful and enjoy your stay!
See ya real soon,
Jeremy A.