Hey there Kimberly,
Welcome to planDisney and thanks for your question! It's always great to hear from a fellow Arizonan.
As for your question, it will largely depend on exactly what you mean when you mention a scooter. The Downtown Disney District is part of the Disneyland Resort area and therefore you will need to proceed through a security checkpoint to access it.
When you go through security, they are going to be checking to make sure you're not bringing any
prohibited items within the resort area. That includes most motorized vehicles, wheeled transportation and/or recreational devices (including traditional scooters, bikes, and more).
However, if instead, you meant more of an electric conveyance vehicle (ECV) - or a wheeled mobility device - then those are allowed but just need to adhere to the
Park Rules and Regulations.
I'll also add that the
parking trams are a really convenient way to get to the parks since they take you up to the Main Entrance Esplanade and typically begin operation about an hour before park opening.
Thanks again for your question, Kimberly! I hope you have a wonderful time visiting the Happiest Place on Earth.
Have a Magical Day,