Ahoy, Annette!
Welcome to the Disney Parks Moms Panel! I always love assisting a fellow Georgia Peach with vacation plans, so thank you for cruising by with your question. I'm excited to hEAR you are looking forward to a
magical voyage with Disney Cruise Line.
Annette, my best advice is to reach out to the wonderful Disney Cruise Line
Special Services Team to see if there is a way you can check your blood pressure while onboard. You can email them at specialservices@disneycruise.com or call (407) 566-3602. They will be happy to provide you with the information you need in regards to your health. I can share with you that there is a
Health Center on each ship (Deck 1, Forward) that operates daily clinic hours and has a Doctor and Nurse on call 24 hours per day. They are an independent medical provider, so any fee you may occur for their services are charged to your stateroom account and can be settled with your medical insurance or a travel insurance provider once you return home. I've utilized the Health Center on a past sailing and received a check in the mail two weeks after my cruise.
I checked the
Disney Cruise Line Prohibited Items List, Annette, and did not see portable blood pressure machines listed. If you'd like to bring your own, there are two 110 volt electrical outlets in each stateroom that has a power capacity of 12 amps.
Thank you again for reaching out with your question. If there is anything else we can do to assist you with your plans, please let us know. We'd love to help.