Hi there, Katie! We're so glad you decided to stop by planDisney with your question!
Oh boy! Mickey and I think it's swell that you received a special treat from your company. It sounds like you've been officially pixie-dusted! Most likely, if they booked and paid for your
Walt Disney World Resort hotel stay, then they would have been emailed a confirmation number. This number is what you'll use to
link your resort to your
My Disney Experience account. Maybe you can contact your human resources department to see if they have this information. If you need help creating a My Disney Experience account, visit the Walt Disney World website.
Also, if someone purchased your theme park tickets for you, it's likely that your tickets were not automatically linked, and you need to do this yourself. You can do this using the same methods as described above. The tickets will have an ID number associated with them that you can find either in an email or by looking on the back of them if you have the physical cards.
Hopefully, I've answered all your questions, but if not, please feel free to write back! Also, Katie, if you're traveling with a valentine worth melting for, then be sure to check out the Foodie Guide on the
Disney Parks Blog! Hopefully, there will be many Valentine's Day delights awaiting you!