Hi Priscilla,
Thank you for stopping by
planDisney with your question about strollers for your upcoming vacation to the Walt Disney World Resort.
Currently the
Walt Disney World Resort property rules state that stroller wagons are prohibited, and strollers must be no greater than 31 inches wide and 52 inches long. I know this isn't the information that you were hoping for, but I do have a suggestion for you. It sounds like you are wanting a stroller that provides extra room or accommodates a larger child. As a mother of four kiddos, who are now past their stroller years, I have often toured the Walt Disney World Resort with a stroller. My children have always been tall for their age, and in fact my youngest son surpassed me in height last year when he was just 12 years old. So, traditional strollers didn't always provide the conveniences that I desired while on vacation due to weight/size limitations. Therefore, we often have rented strollers from a
Disney Featured Provider as listed in this link for stroller rentals. If you navigate to the page of the Disney Featured Provider, you will see many strollers available that provide a lot of room and still are within the Walt Disney World property rules.
No matter if you bring your own stroller, rent one at a theme park, or rent one from a Disney Featured Provider, be sure to bring a colorful scarf or something to tie onto the handle of your stroller so that you can easily identify it in the stroller parking areas. You would be surprised at how many strollers look alike and it can be a bit time consuming looking at a sea of strollers trying to find yours. Cast Members do a wonderful job keeping stroller parking neat and pretty, so your stroller could be moved a bit away from your original parking spot in the stroller parking area and it is a good idea to have a quick way to identify your stroller.
I hope this information proves useful as you continue to plan your upcoming Walt Disney World Resort visit. We are always here to help you with any questions, so please come back and visit us here again at planDisney.
See Ya Real Soon,