Hello there, Devon!
Like Disney’s Mary Poppins says, “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.” Devon, I find that planning a Walt Disney World Resort vacation for my family is when the fun begins.
You need to take a few steps to ensure that everyone in your party is ready for your Walt Disney World Resort vacation. First, everyone must have a
My Disney Experience account. Once everyone has an account, you’ll want everyone in your party linked to your
“My Family & Friends List.” You can add each person to your list by finding them through your connected Guests, importing their Walt Disney World Resort hotel reservation, or entering their name and age. Once you send each person an invite, they must accept the invitation to see your plans together.
Once you link everyone in your account, you may see your tickets appear under
“My Plans, Reservations and Tickets” and
“Tickets, Passes & Memory Maker.” Don’t worry if your tickets don’t appear automatically because you can manually link your
Theme Park Tickets or
Resort hotel reservations to your account as long as you have your Ticket ID number.
Once you have your tickets and reservations in your account, I recommend checking to see if you’ll need
theme park reservations and spending some time playing with the My Disney Experience mobile app to get comfortable with it before your vacation. These tips will help you have the most delightful vacation.
May the magic be with you!Melanie