Ahoy there, Candace, and welcome aboard planDisney! As glad as I am that you sailed my way with your question about
your upcoming Mediterranean itinerary, I'm sadder that you've run into some rough seas! Without much time until your embarkation date, let's get to the bottom of this!
I have a suspicion that you are not the only one affected by this current issue with Prenetics, as
your fellow Guest Ayesha had a very similar experience a few days ago! Like her reservation, your upcoming sailing is within the two-week timeframe where Sail Screen by Prenetics should be accepting submissions for your cruise! While it may not feel like it is a good thing, at least we can be sure you're not the only one affected!
My suggestion would be to contact Prenetics directly at sailscreen@projectscreen.co.uk as it says on the signup screen "if you have any questions." I'd say being 10 days away from a whirlwind Mediterranean adventure and not being able to set up your account is a pretty big question! They also supply a phone number, but I'd use that in tandem with an email, and depending on your phone carrier's international call rates, I'd definitely send an email first! Just remember the time difference, so if the suspense is keeping you up at night, feel free to give them a call as well!
I wish I had more assistance to offer, but going straight to the source is the best way to see those magic words: "Clear to Sail" before you head off to your adventure on the high seas. Thank you for your question, Candace, and if you run into others in the next few days before embarking, please drop me another line here at planDisney!
Have a safe flight, and an incredible cruise; here's hoping for a quick response from Prenetics!