Welcome back, Karen! My family and I purchased a photo package before when we've sailed with Disney and it's a great way to collect and keep so many memories of our time onboard.
Only photos the guests in the stateroom that purchased the package will be included in your collection of photos. However, if another guest in a different stateroom is in a photo with one of the people in your stateroom, that will be included too. Let me give you an example of how it worked when we sailed with multiple staterooms. My husband, kids, and I were in one stateroom that purchased the package. The kids' uncle was in another stateroom and the kids' grandparents were in another. Photos of my immediate family were all included in the package, as were photos of each of us individually or together. Photos of the kids and their grandparents were included. My son with his uncle - included. My daughter with her grandmother - included. The grandparents together - not included. Uncle with grandparents - not included. The last time I sailed, there was an option to purchase a second unlimited photo package for your group in a different stateroom at 50% off, once onboard. Chat with one of the photographers in Shutters and they can walk you through any additional information you might need based on your situation.
Your best bet when traveling with a big group and only purchasing one
photo package is to have the stateroom with the people who will be in the most photos be the one purchasing. Usually this is the family with the kids. Of course, any other photos can be purchased separately, so when there was a really great one of the grandparents together, they just purchased that single photo. Photos are not viewable or purchasable once you leave the ship, so make any final purchases onboard before you leave!
I hope that helps as you get ready to head out to sea together, Karen!