Hello, Karen! Thanks so much for taking the time to submit your question to planDisney...we appreciate it!
Since you have issues with your
theme park tickets and
park reservations, the best thing to do is call
Disneyland Ticket Services at (714) 781-4636. I like to call right when they open the phone lines at 8:00 AM PST, but there is usually just a brief wait time to get through if you need to call later in the day. Also, if you can provide us with a little more detail regarding your concerns, the planDisney team is always happy to help you troubleshoot as well!
Mickey and I are excited to hear you'll be at the Happiest Place on Earth in a few short weeks, Karen! Hopefully, you'll have some time in your schedule to see one of the nighttime spectaculars.
World of Color is my favorite, with its colorful dancing fountains. Did you know the inspiration for it came from Walt Disney himself? The show begins and ends with the original theme song from "Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color" 1960s television program. No wonder why it's so special!
See ya real soon,