Mother, Son, Giraffe, Kilimanjaro Safaris, Animal Kingdom, Savannah
  • On Sep 10, 2009
    Angela from MO Asked Note: This answer was provided prior to the change to planDisney and may still contain references to Disney Parks Moms Panel.

    Experiences, policies, pricing and other offerings are subject to change and may have changed since the date of this answer.

    I made dinner res at Crystal Palace for 705 and wishes starts at 8. Will we have enough time and where would you recommend we watch? Thanks for all the great information.

    Hi Angela,

    Crystal Palace is one of my sons' absolute favorite Disney restaurants. The buffet choices are amazing and we love dining with Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore and Piglet.

    We have found that our table service meals average about 75 to 90 minutes from start to finish. The timing may be a little faster here since the food is prepared and you do not need to wait to eat, however the characters work in a rotation around the room and it will take around an hour for all of them to work around to your table.

    You will be able to enjoy Wishes directly outside of  Crystal Palace with a pretty good view of the Castle and the fireworks, so once dinner isfinished, you just need to step outside to enjoy the show. You could arrive a little early and see if your table is ready. You could also try and rush through dinner and possibly skip out on seeing all of the characters, but it would be a shame to hurry such a nice character meal. You may catch the end of Wishes, or some nights the fireworks are offered again a few hours later. The other choice would be to return on another evening for Wishes or try and move your dining reservation to an earlier time.

    Good luck!
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Meet the Panelist: Margaret, Illinois

Hiya friends. I’m Margaret, mom to four young men and wife to my Prince Charming. Raised on the southside of Chicago, we have now moved our castle to the suburban cornfields. We are a pin trading, Hidden Mickey hunting, resort hopping family who loves to debate the best Disney World resort or attraction over the dinner table. I am thrilled to share some of our favorite tips and tricks in hopes it will add even more magic to your Disney World adventure. Learn More About Margaret

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