Hi Erin!
Congraulations on your upcoming visit to Walt Disney World!
There are definitely special considerations when bringing children to Walt Disney World. I love the resource
Little Ones at Disney Theme Parks. This lists important considerations when bringing toddlers to Walt Disney World, such as using the Rider Switch Option, which allows one parent to ride an attraction, while the other stays with their child, then the other parent can head straight to the front of the line when the other parent exits the attraction. This helps prevent both parents from having to wait in line.
There is also a listing of attractions that young children can ride, both what they enjoy and what they are able to ride without any height restrictions.
I suggest packing lots of extra outfits and a bag to bring your child snacks and comfort items in the park. You can also look up the child care centers on the Walt Disney World site prior to your visit so you can plan to stop by one in case your child needs a place to rest or eat.
I hope you have a magical vacation!