Welcome aboard, Marilyn! I'm so glad you've booked an exciting cruise with Disney Cruise Line! You have some really amazing adventures in store, I promise!
Disney Cruise Line uses a great
rotational dining system, ensuring that the guests get to rotate through all three of the main dining restaurants throughout their sailing. You will be assigned a specific table at each restaurant, and as you arrive the first night, one of the head servers will direct you to your table. There you will meet the service team that is assigned to your family for the entire cruise. Your server and assistant server will meet you each night at your assigned restaurant. It's so nice that they get to know each of you and your preferences! It's also wonderful to get to know them, as many of them have such wonderful stories to share!
If you know of a particular service team that you'd like to be assigned, you can request that before you sail, but since this is your first sailing, you probably don't have a specific person or team in mind. We've loved each of our service teams and find that they are all very well trained and knowledgeable, making our dining experience amazing each time we sail.
Please let me know if you have further questions as you continue to plan your cruise, Marilyn! I'm happy to help!