Hi Amber! We have enjoyed a Disney August vacation for three years in a row, with this year being the first in four years where we weren't able to go due to other commitments, NOT the weather. I (obviously) love going at the end of August! Given it does tend to be less crowded, we've also enjoyed the free dining promotion during that time. There is no guarantee that it will happen in 2012, but check back
here often to see the latest special offers.
Be forewarned, it is hot in August! But, with the heat and humidity, comes rain. It typically rains for a short period daily, which is great as it cools it off. And as long as you're prepared (bring rain ponchos), you can actually get alot done with less line ups during the rain. The end of August is our last hurrah before it's back to school, and we always have a blast!
Hope this helps with your decision Amber!