Hi, Melvin! What a great surprise!
I start all of my vacation planning with a pen, a notebook, and a deep breath in and out. It's easier to move forward when I feel ready to go.
For meals, check out allears.net. If you click the Walt Disney World tab at the top, then click dining, you'll see all of the restaurants they have at Walt Disney World. Make a list of the ones that appeal to you - what type of food do you like? Are you hoping to dine with characters? Do you want to do all sit down meals or mostly counter service meals? Once you have a list of the ones you want to try, plug them in to your daily vacation calendar. See how you can make them all fit. As soon as you know where you want to dine, and you are 180 days away from your vacaton (or closer), visit
Disney World Dining to book your reservations online.
How many days will you be there? I always recommend that you try to do at least one day at each theme park, and if you have extra days, revisit the parks you love or feel you need to revisit. Are you staying at a Walt Disney World resort hotel? You will be able to take advantage of extra magic hours at some of the theme parks, which extends your day. You can also plan meals around which parks you are doing on which days.
If you want to come on back and visit me here, I'd be happy to help you lay out some itineraries if you just let me know when you're going, where you're staying, and how many you're traveling with. We'll get you all sorted out!