Thanks for writing me! You are clearly like me, someone with more
MagicBands than they know what to do with!
It is possible to have too many on your account, and it seems you did what you need to do from your end to remove some from the system. But sometimes the gremlins in the machine have something to say about it. It may very well be Menehune from
Aulani, having some fun!
Your next best step is to contact the support line at Disney that specializes in MagicBands at
407.939.4357. They should have access to the system to finish cleaning things up. Before you call you should check to see if any have disappeared since your last time online, and have the specifics of the ones you want to remove ready to go when they answer. In particular, have the 12-digit alpha-numeric code tied to each one.
While I love my collection of MagicBands, I am even more excited about the impending arrival of
MagicBand+. These new generation bands will clearly be amazing new park companions. I don't have any inside details on all of what they will do, but they clearly are designed to add some amazing interactive activities in the parks. I am not sure if I can wait. I bet you cannot either!
Write me back if I can help further!
Have a Magical Vacation!