Hiya, Victoria!
Friend, we are in the same boat, waiting for word on when the
Harmony Barber Shop will be opening back up. This magical little barbershop, a hidden gem right off of Main Street, U.S.A. at
Magic Kingdom Park, is where my children and my oldest grandchild have gotten their first haircuts. I've had two new grandchildren since the shop has been closed, and boy oh boy, do these girls need haircuts! They just
have to be Harmony Barber Shop haircuts.
As of today, we have no word on when the shop will reopen. The best place to watch for an announcement is the
Disney Parks Blog, which is where you'll find the latest news and announcements from the parks. You can also come back here and ask again anytime. I know I'll be keeping up to date on any news!
Victoria, I hope we both see the OPEN sign on the door to Harmony Barber Shop soon!