If you look at the 2009 dining plans, you will see
Raglan Road and
Yak and Yeti both listed there. But not on the 2010 plans. Why?
They (Disney) negotiate with the companies that run different restaurants, so I would guess that they are still working with the company that runs Raglan Road to get a deal done. I would expect them both to be on the plan in 2010, as they were in 2009. But you can never count on it until it is done. The reason why the 2010 list is seemingly pretty full is that MOST restaurants at Walt Disney World are run by Disney. But I know for a fact that Raglan Road is not (and presumably Yak and Yeti is in the same boat there), thus the odd omissions.
Good call on not choosing Le Cellier. The most important advice about dining at Walt Disney World is try something new! If you have a favorite, authentic Chinese restaurant at home, try German, or something else that is new to you! If you regularly have good beef at home, then by all means, try something different!
Have a magical (and delicious) vacation!