Even now you may find that some accomodations for next Thanksgiving are already fully booked, like standard rooms at the Wilderness Lodge. But it is important to know that there are other options for a family of four, other than the Value Family Suites. You can look into some of the multi-room options in the Villas, like the Wilderness Lodge Villas.
But to your specific question, the Cabins will probably be a savings over the Wilderness Lodge, Club Level or not. And the extra space will make all the difference to the family of 6, in particular. But a cabin for a single person may seem like a bit much.
My recommendation to keep you all close together, but keep all the rooms of a size that make sense for different families, is to consider a conbination of rooms from the Wilderness Lodge Villas (or other Villa property, like at the Beach Club Villas). That way you can do a studio for the family of 1, a multi-room suite for the family of 6, and whatever works out in-between.
Have a magical vacation!