Welcome aboard, Bill!
My husband and I love dining at Palo, whether it be for dinner or brunch, but lately, we've decided that brunch might even be our favorite meal there! Usually, the brunch at Palo is offered on sea days, so for your Disney Magic seven-night cruise, I would assume it would be on your second day and sixth day, both at-sea days. I highly recommend that you make reservations as soon as possible, as those brunch reservations fill up very quickly. If this is your first cruise with Disney, you'll be able to log into your reservation to begin
online check-in 75 days prior to sailing, and there you'll see when the brunch is offered and the times still available. Keep in mind that guests who have sailed with Disney before can log in 90 or more days in advance, so some reservations might already be taken. There will be more opportunity for dinners at Palo, since those are offered every night, so if you can't get a brunch reservation, take that opportunity to make a dinner reservation. You will not regret it. Have a chocolate souffle for me!
My husband enjoys the refillable beer mugs on the ships. You can pre-order those on the
Gifts and Amenities page of Disney Cruise Line's website. The cost is $14.95 for the mug. You'll get a 22 oz. refill of beer for the cost of a 16 oz. size. Another nice thing about this mug is that you do not need to carry it around once it is empty. Simply turn it in to a bar onboard and they will give you a beer mug token. Next time you're ready for a drink, turn in the token to get a new beer mug filled with 22 oz. of your favorite brew. But, do bring the actual mug home with you! Don't forget that, it's a nice souvenir!
Have fun planning your cruise, Bill, and stop back if you have other questions!