The dining plans are great ways to save money. There are several, and you want to choose a plan based on what kind of dining you expect to do. The main plans include the Quick Service Plan (fast food restaurants), Standard Plan (a mix of table service and quick service dining), and the Deluxe Dining Plan (all table service). All of these plans save you money versus what you would normally pay for the same meals, but if you are going to do just quick service dining, but buy the Deluxe plan, it won't save you anything, in fact you would lose money.
You can find informational brochures of these plans
here. They are an exclusive benefit for Disney resort guests, and you have to purchase at least a single day park ticket to purchase the plan, though I would guess that you can do this with the tickets that were part of your company reward.
I hope that this helps? I am MORE than glad to help with any follow-up questions you may have on both the Disney Dining Plans, as well as other ideas for fun, cost savings, resort selections, etc.
Have a magical vacation!