Here ye! Here ye! Queen Joy and her royal subjects are preparing to dine within
Cinderella Castle!
Cinderella’s Royal Table, two delectable
menus await your pleasure: one for breakfast and another served during both lunch and dinner. Though the names of the meals may vary, the experience is nothing short of a feast worthy of the finest King, Queen, Prince, or Princess in the realm. Breakfast is typically presented from the hour of eight until a quarter past ten in the morning, while the midday repast commences at eleven. As the afternoon fades into evening, lunch gracefully transforms into dinner around the third hour past noon. Though the offerings differ slightly depending on the time of your visit, the enchantment of the experience remains ever steadfast.
During your royal dining adventure, expect a visit from Cinderella herself, accompanied by a dazzling array of her regal friends, such as Aurora, Jasmine, Ariel, and Snow White. However, do keep in mind that these beloved princesses may occasionally be called away to tend to their noble duties, and thus, appearances are subject to change.
Securing a place at Cinderella’s Royal Table is a most coveted honor throughout the land. If you desire to partake in this magical affair, it is wise to act with haste in
reserving your table. Guests residing in the splendid accommodations of one of the
Disney Resort hotels may arrange dining reservations for their entire stay as early as sixty days prior to their initial arrival. Make haste, for such opportunities are treasures not to be delayed!
With the warmest regards and wishes for a magical feast,