Hi Shannon
How fantastic and what a great way to celebrate your 35th birthday. First off make sure you register
here for your free birthday admission to one of the parks. I finally took my first solo trip last fall and a few of my friends thought I was crazy. It was the BEST time and I can't wait to do it again this fall--it's my new annual reward to myself.
Yes the Cast Members will be happy to take your picture for you, with or without your family. I asked many times on my solo trip and have some great pictures thanks to the photography skills of the very friendly Cast Members and even numerous guests. Don't be afraid to ask as they are happy to help record your fun.
I really love the photpass CD and think it is a great deal. I did not purchase one for my solo trip as I was not sure how many pictures I would want of me--well turns out I wanted quite a few. If you are a person who likes the flash of cameras and is not photo shy, then you would probably find the CD a great way to keep your birthday memories. You can pre-order a CD by visiting
here and usually a discount applies. You can also ask the Photpass photographers to take a picture using your camera too.
Hope you have a magical trip and a fantastic birthday!