Welcome aboard, Richard. It's always nice to hear from another Ohio family that is looking forward to sailing with
Disney Cruise Line too! I can't wait to escape the chilly late fall weather in Ohio this year to cruise with Captain Mickey and his crew again!
The chefs with Disney Cruise Line are always looking for ways to update and add to their already amazing menus onboard the ships. The Wonder recently came out with some great additions and changes to their menus, and the other ships update periodically as well. Each time we sail, we find new favorites on the menus as well as some of our traditional stand-by's that we just
HAVE to enjoy each time we cruise with Disney. I'm sure that when you next sail with Disney, the favorites you remember may still be listed, but you may see some new items featured too!
Dining onboard the ships is so wonderful, and I always try something new. We encourage our kiddos to try new and exotic foods when we sail that they may not otherwise have the opportunity or desire to try back home. They've found some favorites onboard too. My son was four when he first tried escargot on the Magic and really liked it! I probably wouldn't have ordered that for him back home, but since it didn't cost anymore onboard, I said go for it, and he loved it! You and your family will enjoy wonderful dining when you sail with Disney again too, Richard.
Happy planning!