Welcome back, Amanda! I'm glad you asked this question because it may sound a bit confusing at first, but I can give you more details about the way your account is charged onboard.
Usually, a credit card is given during
online check-in which will be used for any
stateroom charges that a guest incurs: specialty drinks, Port Adventures,
souvenirs, or any other onboard charges. In that case, there is no limit to how much you can charge, except for whatever credit limit you have on your own credit card of course!
Now, some guests will choose to not use a credit card to cover any charges, but instead pay with cash. In this case, they sign the Cash Account Agreement which allows them to charge with their Key To The World Card (which also serves as their stateroom key) up to a certain amount before they must then settle that with cash at
Guest Services. Then, they can charge up to that same amount again before having to settle with cash.
For example, on a three night sailing, there is a $300 limit for Cash Accounts before a guest must pay that off in cash. Once they pay, they are free to charge another $300 before paying in cash again. Please remember that this only applies to Cash Accounts. Since most guests set up their stateroom account with a credit card on file, there is no need to worry about a limit. The ship is cashless, so guests cannot pay for items around the ship with cash. They simply swipe their Key To The World Card which charges the stateroom account.
I hope those details help clear up any confusion, Amanda! Happy planning!