Hear ye! Hear ye! It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that I welcome you to planDisney, Jennifer. On behalf of the Royal Court, I am elated that you secured an invitation to join Cinderella and her princess friends.
Breakfast at
Cinderella's Royal Table is truly majestic. It is enchanting to look out the stained-glass windows and see
Prince Charming Regal Carrousel, with its glittering lights and dancing horses. Meeting Cinderella and her friends is the most charming way to spend any day. And your meal at the Royal Banquet Hall will make your heart happy.
Magic Kingdom Park opens at 8:30 a.m. for resort Guests on the day of your trip, but you can enter early for your breakfast reservation. I was there just a few weeks ago for Rope Drop to ride Space Mountain as many times as possible with my
Early Entry benefit. I scanned my theme park tickets and entered Magic Kingdom before the park opened and took in the wonder of Main Street, U.S.A. Approaching
Cinderella Castle from Main Street, there were two Cast Members: one had a sign directing people to check in for Early Entry, and the other was directing people with breakfast reservations. They should be easy to find as you head to Cinderella Castle. If you have any questions, Cast Members at the Magic Kingdom can help.
Jennifer, I have a friend who worked at Make-A-Wish. I know the hearts and souls that have gone into celebrating your family. I hope your trip creates the moments and memories that show you light and love in all things.
If we can help with any other planning questions, it would be our pleasure to see you again at
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes!