Hi Jo,
First, visit the website, www.disneyvacationclub.com/moms. This site will help with initial questions you have such as available properties to purchase and how the Disney Vacation Club (DVC) works. The one advantage of DVC is that it works on points and every day of the year at every resort is assigned a point. By adding up the points, you can get an idea of how many points you need to make a vacation happen. You can also bank and borrow points to give you ultimate flexibility with your vacation needs. You need to purchase a minimum of 160 vacation points and then you can add based on your need.
Second, you need to decide how often you will vacation at a Disney property or make an exchange at one of the many resorts around the world. Think about your immediate family size and composition. I have two daughters so a studio works most times for my family of four. If I had a son or additional children or another relative always traveling with me, I might need more points for vacation. Also, if you have a job that allows you only to vacation when children are out of school (US schools), you may need more points as well.
Also, while you may not be traveling yearly to the United States, you could use your points to travel to Euro Disney for a weekend. The combinations for vacations are endless.
Finally, you can talk to a vacation guide at 1-877-382-7826 for additional questions. I also highly recommend a tour while you are at Walt Disney World Resort. Here you can tour the rooms and ask additional questions.
Please let me know if you have follow up questions and I hope you are saying Welcome Home very soon!