I am a Georgia native, born and raised in metro Atlanta. I left for only four years to earn my BA in Speech Communications from Auburn University. I have worked as a journalist, PR account executive and a marketing director for several large clients. I’m now the proud owner of JDW Integrated Marketing and have the best clients in the business. When I am not working, you can find me volunteering on a local board or just spending time with my family. Although my older two girls are grown, they along with their younger sister, will still tell you their first vacation choice is the Walt Disney World Resort! They have grown up in the parks and some of our fondest family memories come from time spent at Walt Disney World and on a Disney Cruise Line ship.
About My Family
My husband and I have been married for 25 years and are the parents of three wonderful daughters. Two in college and one in middle school, and still their favorite vacation destination is Walt Disney World. The oldest will soon graduate from college and will get to see what life looks like in the real world. Our middle daughter has her eyes set on Broadway, and the youngest is looking forward to high school in only a few months. It is simply amazing to look at pictures of them at Walt Disney World and see how they have literally grown up on Main Street. I am grateful for each laugh we have shared at a character dining experience, each scream on Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, and every last picture taken in front of Cinderella Castle!
About My Disney Experience
We have visited Disney World every year since my 21 year old was 2 and have stayed in practically every resort on property. Each trip is always more magical than the last. I will never forget our first trip to the Magic Kingdom, walking through the park as my then six month old was sleeping in the stroller. The Fairy Godmother asked if I minded if she pushed the carriage for awhile and held the hand of my oldest. She stayed with us for quite some time, and we all love to look at the photo of her with the girls. Even though my oldest two are now in college, all three can’t imagine a trip to Walt Disney World without dining at Cinderella’s Royal Table and getting that special hug from the Fairy Godmother. It just doesn’t get any more magical than Disney World!
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