I'm from Dundas Ontario Canada. I am an elementary school teacher currently on leave to be a stay at home mom to my two wonderful children. I have been visiting Walt Disney World since the age of two. I have experienced the parks as a child, a teenager and now a mom. Seeing the excitement in my children's eyes as they step off the monorail and enter the Magic Kingdom entrance evokes the same feeling that I had at their age. I am the "family photographer" with every moment of every vacation clearly documented with hundreds of photos (thank goodness for digital cameras!). I also enjoy playing the piano and traveling. I am a strong believer that vacationing is a great way to create a close-knit family. There is no better place to achieve this goal than a trip to Walt Disney World. Where else can you visit a place that invites you to believe in your imagination, takes you on a trip around the world to explore different cultures and builds memories that last a lifetime?
About My Family
I share my castle with my husband, a fellow Disney fanatic. The two "characters" who keep our household busy are our 9-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son. When they are not off at piano or swimming lessons they too are offering advice to their friends on all the must-see and do attractions at Walt Disney World. Around my house we lovingly refer to Walt Disney World as our "home away from home." We are annual pass holders who visit the parks at least four times a year. We have celebrated our children's birthdays there and last year we witnessed the filming of the Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade. Despite our frequent visits we have yet to see and do everything at Disney. Spending as much time as we do in sunny Florida, we have also taken up golf as a family sport.
About My Disney Experience
My love for all things Disney has made me a bit of a celebrity in my hometown. I am known as the "go to girl" for planning a Walt Disney World vacation. I have assisted family members, friends and other acquaintances plan their Disney vacations. From dining suggestions to mapping out entire vacations, I enjoy sharing my love and knowledge for Walt Disney World. My family and I have even surprised my sister and her family at the parks to give them a guided tour on their very first Disney experience. The most memorable vacation I helped plan was a family reunion. For me, organizing such a magical gathering was rewarding - I knew I was helping create not only a vacation but many memories. I look forward to the opportunity to help other families create their very own magical moments.
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