Hi Danelle! You have a couple of pretty lucky boys. All three of those encounters are pretty amazing and should provide lots of fun memories to cherish for years to come.
Disney's Dolphins in Depth is a truly unique and up close and personal encounter with those beautiful creatures. Keep in mind that space is limited and participants MUST be at least 13 years old. Anyone under 18 years old must also be accompanied by a paying adult. The dolphins are brought to the guests in a wading area and they do not actually swim with the dolphins. I have encountered dolphins before and was blown away by their intelligence! One last note, cameras are not allowed in backstage areas and there is not a viewing area for observers in this backstage experience.
As for your younger son, both the
Wild Africa Trek and surfing lessons at Typhoon Lagoon would be awesome choices. I would recommend either but for different reasons. The Africa Trek would be great if he is really into wildlife, while the surfing lessons would be a blast if he likes adventure and seems to be a risk taker! I will let you know that the food provided on the Trek is really delicious, it is more for those that like to try new things and aren't super picky eaters. Also, those guests that are under 18 must be accompanied by a paying adult, whereas, the surfing lessons can have onlookers without the extra expense. I recently
answered a question about the surfing lessons at Typhoon Lagoon with some extra tips and link. He might enjoy the thrill of the surfing lessons more and wouldn't he have some great stories to go home and tell his friends!
I hope they have the time of their lives with memories to last a lifetime!
~Allison L