Hi there, Jessica -
You'll be glad to hear that you can indeed have date night while you're on your Disney Cruise vacation. In fact, you can have date night on every night of your cruise if you wanted to... and it won't cost extra since youth activities are included in the base cost of your cruise.
If you are making dining reservation either at
Palo or Remy - you are in for such an amazing dining experience. You will love it! I would suggest dropping off your daughter at the Oceaneer Club prior to your dinner reservation. You might want to check what time they serve dinner for the kids at the club - just in case your child might enjoy having dinner with friends that evening. There will be activities and events scheduled for the rest of the evening, but if your daughter chooses to opt out when she gets sleepy - the Youth Counselors will be glad to make her comfortable. They won't have an actual quiet/sleeping room... but my kids have always been fine on the mats that they take out. My son is a big napper - and he'll usually doze off right at story time in the evening - he still remembers hearing Snow White read a story, and say goodnight to him. Then he was out. Good thing he was urged to move away from the other kids - but close enough to hear the story.
Guests who enjoy the 2nd or late dinner seating, can take advantage of the Dine & Play program, where the Youth Counselors can pick up the kids from the main restaurants and bring them to the club. This way, parents can enjoy the rest of their dinner quietly.
So, you can surely enjoy your dinner and just pick her up later - you'll see a lot of parents carrying their little ones back to their stateroom in the evenings. It's just way too much fun in the Youth Clubs.
Have a great voyage!