Hi George!
Welcome to the Disney Parks Moms Panel! I absolutely love all of
Epcot's seasonal festivals because they all include unique food experiences. I think they help classify Walt Disney World Resort as an
Eat Park, too!
This is the main home page for the
Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival. This is the one-stop location where you'll find the details for everything F&G, like the menus of the
Outdoor Kitchens and the
Garden Rocks Concert Series lineup, info about
Flower and Garden special tours, even a location list of all the
Topiaries, Gardens & Exhibits. The event kicks off this year on March 4, and my guess is that all of the details currently not listed, including all of the Outdoor Kitchen menus, will be posted here by mid to late-February.
Another place to bookmark is the
Disney Parks Blog. This is the official source of all the latest and greatest Disney Parks news. Usually they'll post everything from Festival sneak peeks to the full menus first, before any other Disney fan blog. Definitely be sure to bookmark, or "like" and "follow" the Disney Parks Blog across all of their social media channels so you'll be sure to catch any announcements as they happen. There are also a ton of Disney fan websites and blogs who go in to full delicious detail of these festival food items as their teams frolic at Flower & Garden. A really good website who provides great info about each specific dish is the Disney Food Blog, and bonus, some of the writers are former Moms Panelists!
And lastly, to provide a bit of an amuse-bouche of menus, if you will, are these full-menu postings from the Disney Parks Blog from
2019 and also
2017. While Mickey loves a good surprise AND new dishes, you might be able to spot some similarities when comparing the two postings. Fingers crossed that some of the most loved favorites have a high possibility of returning this yEAR!
I hope this helped to plan your upcoming Disney Days, George, and We'll See You Real Soon!