Family With Medals; RunDisney 10K; Stitch Hat; Lilo and Stitch Costume
  • On Mar 13, 2012
    Matthew from PA Asked Note: This answer was provided prior to the change to planDisney and may still contain references to Disney Parks Moms Panel.

    Experiences, policies, pricing and other offerings are subject to change and may have changed since the date of this answer.

    My wife and I have a condo in FL and I have a FL ID card but my wife does not. We do have tax bills, insurance, and utility bills in both of our names with the FL address. What proof of residency does my wife need to show in order to obtain the FL rates?

    Hi there, Matthew!

    In order to take advantage of the Florida rates that Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts often offers to residents (and how lucky we are!), you will definitely need to provide proof of residency.

    You can find a list of acceptable forms of Florida identification on the Web site.

    Looks like your wife can take care of her pass purchase with her current photo identification and one of the bills you share jointly:

    "The persons who will use the Florida Resident adult tickets must be present at the time of ticket pick up. If you do not have [a Florida driver's license, State-issued ID, or Florida military ID], then for each adult ticket purchased you must provide one of the following dated within the last two months and evidencing a Florida residential address together with a corresponding picture ID (passport, driver's license, state identification card):

    Monthly mortgage statement
    Florida vehicle registration or title
    Homeowner's insurance policy or bill
    Automobile insurance policy or bill
    Utility bill
    Mail from a financial institution, including checking, savings, or investment account statement
    Mail from a Federal, State, County or City government agency."

    Have a wonderful time in the World!

    See you later, celebrator,
    -Deborah B.
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Meet the Panelist: Deborah, Florida

As a Florida native, my life has always included Walt Disney World. Now I share that magic with my husband and my sons, ages seven and eight. In between trips to the World, I teach for the Department of English at the University of South Florida. Learn More About Deborah

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