Hello Ryan, and thanks for stopping by the Disney Parks Moms Panel with an excellent question.
We have a saying around my house, “it’s never too early to begin planning a Disney vacation.” I am excited that you are already planning for what I call “Star Wars Day.” or as your calendar refers to it as May 4, 2020. You bring up a great question because, with the new ticketing system, it is difficult to speculate when ticket pricing for 2020 dates will be released.
Currently, any tickets purchased are only valid through December 31, 2019, or the date of their first use is before December 31, 2019. I am just as curious as you are to find out when tickets for 2020 will begin to go on sale. My advice to you is to keep checking back at the beginning of each month to see when
ticket pricing for January 2020 will be available. Once you begin to see tickets for 2020 go on sale, it should only be a few months until May is available. I would also keep my ears tuned to the Disney Parks Blog for future announcements as well. Good luck with your planning and if you need any more help before you arrive, please come back and visit us again.
May the Force be with you,