Hey there, Yessica! Adjust your Mickey ears while we explore the wonderful world of Mickey Ear Hats available at Walt Disney World.
It's like a rite of passage. Visiting Walt Disney World without getting an ear hat is like not getting a Mickey Premium Bar! When I was there in December with some of my very dear friends, they decided to pick up matching Mickey Ear Hats at The Chapeau on Main Street, U.S.A in the Magic Kingdom. And what a collection of hats they have there! Different characters, including many of the Disney Princesses, were represented. One of my pals got an Ariel-themed hat, which was just adorable. There are lots of colors, styles and themes to choose from, so your girls are bound to find something they love.
If they want to try something really unique, Disney just introduced the Made with Magic products, a collection of accessories like headbands, wands and hats that glow along with the music of the nighttime spectacular events in the parks. They're available at The Chapeau, as well as locations at Disney's Hollywood Studios.
There are so many ways to show your DisneySide with Mickey hats and accessories at Walt Disney World, Yessica. I hope this helps your family find their perfect fit!
Have a magical day,
Kathy K.