Welcome back to the Disney Parks Moms Panel, Amanda!
May I express, once again, my enthusiasm towards your upcoming vacation to
Walt Disney World Resort and thank you for consulting us.
Having travelled to Disney with an infant myself, I would suggest you take a closer look at the "Disney Featured Providers" in the
Stroller Rentals link for a suitable and comfortable stroller throughout your entire visit, as some strollers in the Theme Parks are made of hard plastic and in my opinion, not suitable for an infant child. Renting a stroller through "Disney Featured Providers" would enable you the convenience of wheeling your baby right into your hotel for more added convenience, Amanda.
May I also offer the useful
Planning for Preschool Kids and Little Ones containing suggestions for future Disney Resort hotels, suitable tips and ideas for an enjoyable and convenient visit, sample Theme Park Itineraries, and advice to enhance your visit with your baby. We also found utilizing Disney's
Rider Switch service helpful for attractions, rides and experiences that our little ones could not participate in, yet, allowing us to fully enjoy our visit.
Amanda, all four Disney Theme Parks have
Baby Care Centers which offer private nursing areas, diaper change facilities, feed and rest areas, as well as an area which sells applicable merchandise for babies.
We hope this information is helpful to you Amanda and thank you for stopping by.
Best Disney Wishes!