Hi, Dawn! Thanks for visiting the Disney Parks Moms Panel and asking your question!
I absolutely understand your desire to stay at a
Disneyland Resort Hotel! I have stayed at all three and I can honestly tell you that nothing beats the close proximity to the parks and the immersive Disney magic that surrounds you when you stay on-site. If your travel dates are flexible, you may find that certain times of year are more budget friendly. For example, I have found that room rates are a little lower in late January and February, late August into October, and even the first week of November. Additionally, if you can wait to book your hotel stay,
promotions are occasionally released for bookings within three months or so of the release date.
For the absolute best rates that I have found, I will let you in on my not-so-well-kept secret. Dapper Day is a fan-sponsored event that takes place in the spring and the fall. Lots of people participate simply by dressing their best and going to the parks. I have attended several Dapper Days and not only is dressing up so much fun, but seeing everyone else in fabulous outfits brings a huge smile to my face. Perhaps the best part is that Dapper Day offers discounted hotel rates to participants! These hotel rates are some of the best I've ever seen and are offered at all three Disneyland Resort Hotels. Check out the Dapper Day website for complete details.
I hope this information was helpful. Happy planning!