Hi Jessica,
Welcome back to the Disney Parks Moms Panel! Your question is one that has been heavily discussed and debated and may be the most important part of planning a Walt Disney World trip. Nothing is worse than have tired, sore feet on your vacation.
Many of my fellow Moms swear by sneakers for a day of walking around the parks; others wear only flip-flops. I've tried all types of shoes over more than 20 years of frequent Walt Disney World visits. I find sneakers too hot, and flip-flops don't give me the support I need.
What works for me is a pair of supportive walking sandals that are water-resistant. My feet stay cool and comfortable and, if I get caught in one of the summer downpours, I'm not walking around with squishy feet. My favorite brand is Abeo. (I even continue to wear them to the theme parks if the weather is cold. I just put on socks and ignore my daughters' eye rolls! Comfort is so much more important than fashion in my book.)
My fellow Floridian Disney Mom Marisol recently answered a similar question from a guest. I'm sharing
her thoughts on keeping your feet comfortable here as well to give you another opinion.
Whatever type of footwear you choose, I'd make sure they are well broken in before your vacation. I always stick a couple of bandages or moleskins in my bag just in case I have a problem. You also can check in with the
first aid stations in each park for bandages if you develop a blister.
I hope that helps, Jessica. Please let us know if we offer any more questions. We're all here to offer our tips and advice whenever you need us. Enjoy!