Hey there, Melissa!
You are THE CHOSEN ONE... and you get to play around the
My Cruise Activities site on the Disney Cruise site when your stateroom reservation is active. Each stateroom's financial transaction is processed separately.
For a family in 1 stateroom, for example, there will be a main adult guest responsible for all charges incurred by all the guests with charging privileges in that same stateroom. Once you are on the My Online CheckIn site, you'll need to enter the credit card information on the "Onboard Account" tab. If you need to, you can have a separate credit card for each stateroom guest or, choose to have only 1 guest responsible for all charges (the 'Payer').
For the 2nd stateroom, you'll need their Cruise Reservation number and you'll need to call the DCL Travel Desk to "Link" the 2 cruise reservations. You'll then be able to view all choices of activities and reservations. You'll even be seated together at dinner, so linking will allow you to really enjoy this joint vacation.
When scheduling port adventures or onboard activities you can choose each individual participant (you check the box next to their name). All Port Adventure payments, and any onboard charges for each guest, will be processed when you are onboard your voyage. Depending on the payment assigned to each guest in the Onboard Account tab, that specific credit card will be charged. You can request Guest Services to print you a stateroom folio of charges if you need to match up any charges once you are onboard.
You can always call the Disney Cruise Travel Desk, if you need additional help with Linking the 2 reservations, or simply adding or editing any cruise activities. You can call them directly at 1800-951-3532.
Hope this helps, Melissa!
~ Dolly