Hi Lisa!
Been there, done that! I'm not going to lie, it can be a little nerve wracking trying to keep the little ones from calling China, licking the window and slamming the door on their fingers. Other than that, it is fabulous! Some precautions that we take immediately upon entering our room may sound a little silly, but we have learned the hard way. First, unplug the phone - you can always plug it back in later. Next, put the Bible, phone book and other publications up on the closet shelf. Again, you can always take them down if you need them. Finally, scour the carpet for any nasty pieces of candy or food that Mousekeeping may have inadvertently left behind. My son once found a used pacifier in a desk drawer and put it in his mouth - pretty gross! That being said, Mousekeeping usually does a fantastic job of cleaning the rooms and you shouldn't find anything out of place. Be sure to let the boys know that they cannot open the door for any reason - leave that to mommy and daddy. I realize that this all sounds a little overwhelming, but take it from me, a few precautions can make all the difference!
Not to sound pushy, but if you were interested in a little more space, the
Family Suites at All Star Music are a great value. They have two sperate bathrooms, a sperate bedroom and kitchenette. Otherwise, enjoy every second of the time spent with your family - 90% of the people around you are in your exact situation! Have a magical vacation!
Much pixie dust,
Jackie S.