Hi Danita!
I'm so jealous that in just two short days you will be visiting the most magical place on Earth!
Cinderella's Royal Table is a fantastic dining experience and also a very popular one. It is often completely booked up several months in advance, but I would highly suggest to keep trying.While walk-in tables are almost completely unheard of for this dining experience, it is always worth a shot. Also, since pre-paid reservations such as Cinderella's Royal Table require a 24 hour cancellation notice you may be able to find availability due to cancellations. During one of my recent family vacations, I was able to secure a last minute reservation the day before which I assume was due to a cancellation. I think that it also helped that I didn't request a particular time, I just asked for any availability. We did end up dining at an odd time, but it was completely worth it to get this reservation at the last minute.
If you are unable to get a reservation, I recommend the Cinderella's Happily Ever After Dinner at
1900 Park Fare located in the Grand Floridian. Cinderella, Prince Charming, Lady Tremaine, Drusilla and Anastasia are all present for this meal. The step-sisters are a hoot and this buffet style meal offers some wonderful food options at the fraction of the cost.
I hope you are able to snag that last minute reservation and please visit us again if you have anymore questions!
Best Wishes!