Hi Michael,
The best way of finding out what time Lunch and Dinner are offered at any of the restaurants is to look on the Walt Disney World website.
Here is what yo need to do:-
1/ Click on "WHERE TO EAT"
2/ Click on "Fine/Signature Dining"
3/ Choose the restaurant which you would like to check the times of for example Le Cellier Steakhouse - you should now be looking at
THIS page
4/ Click on "Make a Reservation" on the left hand side of the page - you should now be looking at
THIS page
As you can see, Lunch is served from 11.30am - 3.00pm and Dinner is served from 4.00pm - 9.00pm. You can repeat these steps for any of the other restaurants which you would like to check.
I hope that this information has been of help and wish you a magical trip!