Hello, Mark! Welcome to planDisney.
First, I am sorry someone in your group had an emergency that ended their vacation on a less-than-magical note. I hope everything is all right.
With your question about
dining plan credits, my best advice is to check with Guest Relations at the
Walt Disney World Resort where you are staying. Unfortunately, there is no policy for transferring credits between reservations. I am not certain they will be able to do anything, but they would be the ones to ask.
If the emergency caused your family or friends to check out before the last night, they should also check with Guest Services for any possible assistance with their reservation. If they have already left for home, they can
call Guest Services.
I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Since this would be an exception, if it is even possible, Guest Services is better able to assist. I hope the rest of your time at
Walt Disney World Resort feels more like Vanellope before King Candy: free of glitches.
If you will be enjoying the Most Magical Place on Earth today, be sure to check out this Disney Parks Blog list of
11 Ways to Celebrate July 4th at Walt Disney World. The fireworks tonight with the special “Disney’s Celebrate America! A Fourth of July Concert in the Sky” sounds spectacular!
Wishing the best for your family and friends,